Programy akcí
Program AUTOTEC 2008:
3.6.08 Tuesday – Press day
4.6.08 Wednesday
Drawing of winning tickets for Euro 08 refer to EURO and our WEB
18.00h Starting evening party at the ALU-S.V. stand
18.30 and 19.30 Stylish revue photo from shows 2006

Participate models:
Lucie Váchová, Radka Kocurová, Martina Dvořáková, Hana Mašlíková,
Collection swimsuit and underlinen from company Playboy
19.00 h Kick box
Mister Czech Republic Antonín Ungerman and his guest ……… from the crowd :-)
20.00 Barmen show accomponied by fakir
21.00 Closing festival and announcing two winners for tickets to EURO 2008
5.6.08 Thursday - Presentation of new product CS MINI
6.6.08 Friday
12.00 Concert of group NOBLES at the stand of ALU-S.V. (string instruments)
photo from
13.00 concert of group NOBLES at the stand of ALU-S.V.
Po celou dobu akce bude pro vás připravený bohatý raut.7.6.08 Saturday – 17.00 final grill party in ALU-S.V. stand
8.6.08 Sunday – End of exhibition
Please inform us if you are going to participate in above mentioned activities.